Call of duty zombies revelations

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The next objective for gamers is to summon the Keeper Protector. Edward Richtofen will be shot first, then Tank Dempsey, Takeo Masaki, and the last is Nikolai Belinski.Īfter that task, a stone will show up on top of a glowing blue jump pad which connects to several others. Once they are done identifying, they must shoot them in a specific order. Within the proximity of the house, there are gravestones present and players must identify the person who is buried under it. Once the gamers have already spawned, they will find a house that was seen before the 'Origins' episodes ended. Acquiring this Easter egg is more challenging that the previous episodes of the zombie mode and players must go through a series of steps.Īccording to the reports of Gameranx, the first step is to shoot at the gravestones.

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The film reel contains a recording of Maxis and Samantha having a conversation.

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Based on reports, the third Easter egg is actually the second audio reel that gamers will acquire within the game.