Fallout new vegas bounties mod

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Įnd of information based on Fallout cut content. He claims to be a famous desperado and that there is a bounty on his head. Vasquez is a mercenary working in Junktown. The following is based on Fallout cut content. He appears in Fallout and is still remembered by people during the events of Fallout 2.īecoming a childkiller creates a bounty on the Vault Dweller/ Chosen One's head, initiating a hunt among bounty hunters who will appear in random encounters in Fallout and Fallout 2. Sometime in 2161, a bounty is placed on Tandi's head among the Khan raiders it was almost certainly set by Garl Death-Hand, leader of the Khan raiders and one can save her.īy 2161, Chris Avellone has become the most feared bounty hunter across the Wastes, hunting down transgressors for-profit and thrill with his entourage.